
Set up your sole proprietorship business the right way

Get help securing your business. We help you get all of the legal help you need to finally convert it into limited liability company.

Challenges running as a sole proprietor

Raising capital is a bit difficult

It's harder to attract investors because you have no partners, shares, or membership interests.


Sole proprietors must report business profits as personal income, and pay self-employment tax.

Has greater liabilty

As a sole proprietor, you're personally liable if the business gets sued or incurs debts.

How to structure & build your business

DBA (Doing business as)

Use a name other than your own to do business, open a bank account, and build a brand.

Business licences

Make sure you have all required permits and licenses to run your business legally.

Legal advice

Subscribe to a Business Advisory Plan, and get help from a network attorney.

Liability protection

Operate as an LLC to protect your personal assets if your business ever gets sued or incurs debts.

Frequently asked questions

My own name or another name for my sole -proprietorship business?

As a sole proprietor, by default, the legal name of your business is your own name. But you can choose to operate the business under another name, known as a “fictitious business name” or “doing business as” (DBA).

Should I register my sole proprietorship with government?

You don't have to register or file any paperwork with the government to form a sole proprietorship. If you go into business without setting up another business structure, then you're automatically considered a sole proprietor if you're the sole owner.

However you may require you to obtain business licenses and/or permits before you can lawfully operate, Also, if you want your business to have a name that's different from your own legal name, then you will require to file for a DBA.

Can I open up a bank account for my sole proprietorship?

Even if your business is a sole proprietorship, you should have a separate business bank account to help separate your business and personal income and expenses. This will help you properly report your business income on your personal tax returns. Most banks will allow you to open an account for your sole proprietorship using your social security number.

If you plan on doing business under a fictitious name (“DBA”), most banks will require proof of the filed DBA before they will open the account.

Can I change my sole proprietorship into a limited liability company?

Even if your business is a sole proprietorship, you should have a separate business bank account to help separate your business and personal income and expenses. This will help you properly report your business income on your personal tax returns. Most banks will allow you to open an account for your sole proprietorship using your social security number.

If you plan on doing business under a fictitious name (“DBA”), most banks will require proof of the filed DBA before they will open the account.

Do I need a tax ID if I file DBA?

Whether your business needs a TIN depends on the structure of your business, and not whether your business has a DBA. Unless it plans on hiring employees, sole proprietorships with DBA don't have a separate TIN; its tax identification number is the owner's social security number. Also, single-member LLCs are often not required to obtain an TIN, but one is required if the LLC wants to hire employees or have a separate business bank account. Most other business entities require an TIN.