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A great creation requires protection. Protect now
with the #1 brand in online IP protection

Trademark registration

Get exclusive rights to a name, symbol, or slogan that distinguishes your business.

Trademark search

See if the name, symbol, or slogan you want to register is available.

Trademark monitoring

Protect your brand by being alerted of potential infringements.

Copyright registration

Keep others from using and profiting from your book, article, song, photo etc

Provisional patent application

If you're not ready to file for a utility patent, buy time and get "patent pending" status.

Utility patent

Prevent others from making, using, or selling your invention without your permission.

All intellectual property services

Get the right intellectual property protection

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A name, slogan, or logo that distinguishes your product or service from competitors.


"Make every second count"


Keep your original creative work from being used without your consent.

and more


Protects how your invention works, or the way your product looks.

Freqently asked questions

What's the difference between a copyright and a trademark?

Copyrights protect original creative works, including books, movies, songs, paintings, photos, web content, and choreography. Trademarks protect business and product names, slogans, and logos to help customers tell brands apart.

What are the benefits of registering your trademark?

When you register your trademark, you get strong nationwide protection, and the right to file a federal lawsuit against anyone who copies it.

What's the difference between the ™ symbol and the ® symbol

Anyone can use the ™ symbol on their trademark, but it doesn't protect it. The ® symbol means your mark is registered with theinstituted patent and trademark office, giving you all the legal protections that come with it.

What's the difference between a utility patent and a design patent?

A utility patent protects how an invention works. A design patent protects how a product looks. Some inventions may qualify for design and utility patent protection, if both the design and the function are unique, and the design doesn't affect the function.

What does a provisional patent application do?

A provisional patent application protects your rights to your invention for up to a year, giving you time to perfect it and/or complete your application for a utility patent. It essentially holds your place in line with the patent office.

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