Avoid unnecessary conflicts before applying for and spending on an already taken trademark.
We've helped 1000s do trademark searches to find potential conflicts.
Before expending lots of effort and resources, get to know if somebody else has registered a similar trademark.
With a national, regional and even an international search by us, you will make a well informed choice.
A search will ensure you don't accidentally use a trademark that looks like someone else's trademark, and therefore open yourself to lawsuits.
Not necessarily. In some cases, someone may have "common law" trademark rights simply by being the first to use a trademark in commerce where state registration is required for common law rights. Someone with common law rights can challenge your use or registration of your trademark. For these reasons, it's a good idea to check beyond state registries, such as registered corporate names and use on the internet. These are included in both the WorldScan International, State, and Common Law packages.
Trademark classification system divides all goods and services into 45 trademark classes. 34 for goods and 11 for services. There are many goods or services that fall into each class, and they're not always obvious from the class name.
When you file your trademark application, you must select the class of goods or services that your trademark will protect, and you must also identify the goods or services you provide. Your trademark will only protect the goods, services, and class that you name in your application.
When you apply for trademark registration, you must identify the class of goods or services that your trademark covers. It's important to choose the right class, because if you get it wrong, you may not be able to register a trademark. And if you do manage to register for the wrong class, you can't change your registration later to name a different one, or to switch from a good to a service.
A comprehensive trademark search can help you identify trademark classes where a mark similar to yours may already be in use.
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